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Independent Journalist comments on fake news about Syria in mainstream media

Eva Bartlett talks on Syria and war propaganda at a press conference hosted by the Journalist Support Committee on February 22 in London.

Ahmed Kaballo
Press TV, London

Since the war on Syria began in 2011, there have been two simultaneous battles going on; the battle between the Syrian Arab Army against militant groups backed by regional and western powers and the battle between the western mainstream narrative and the narrative presented by alternative media and independent journalists like Eva Bartlett.

The Syrian Arab Army units have liberated Eastern Ghouta, the majority of the aleppo province and are currently locked in battle to liberate Idilb a place described by Brett McGurk, a former US envoy to Syria, "as the largest al-Qaeda safe haven since 9/11”.

At a press conference hosted by the Journalist Support Committee, Eva Bartlett argued that the mainstream media has lost a great deal of credibility over its reporting on Syria. The example she cited was when Senior international correspondent for CNN Arwa Damon put her face and sniffed a backpack allegedly exposed to chemical weapon attack.

The video report was widely criticised and ridiculed on social media because many felt the journalist was being disingenuous as it would be extremely irrational to sniff anything suspected of being exposed to sarin gas.

The mainstream media play a pivotal role in how the western public perceives conflicts throughout the world. But independent journalists like Eva Bartlett argue that these media outlets are misleading their audiences and their reporting is often more reflective of western foreign policy interests than the facts on the ground.

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