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Sanders’s victory in New Hampshire is warning to DNC: Analyst

US Democratic presidential hopeful Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders arrives to speak at a Primary Night event at the SNHU Field House in Manchester, New Hampshire on February 11, 2020. (AFP photo)

US Senator Bernie Sanders’s victory in New Hampshire shows his base of support is solid and likely immovable, a warning to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist. 

On Tuesday night, Sanders won New Hampshire’s Democratic presidential primary with former front-runner Joe Biden trailing badly.

Sanders got 25.7% of the vote, leading Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, by 1.3 points with 100% of New Hampshire precincts reporting.

"With victories behind us, popular vote in Iowa and victory here tonight, we’re going to Nevada, we’re going to South Carolina, we’re going to win those states," Sanders told the crowd in New Hampshire.

Hoenig said, “Sanders’s win in New Hampshire was expected, if not the margin of victory. A lot of people are saying that it was way too small, but fail to acknowledge that the last time he ran only against Clinton, who was despised by so many voters in her own party. This time around the field was crowded with moderate to conservative candidates. If any one of them were to have left the field, it is likely that Buttigieg would have won. That is a warning to Sanders but upcoming primaries actually work in Sanders’s favor.”

“Buttigieg is clearly the most direct threat to Sanders and his agenda. But he’s heading into Nevada and South Carolina, which would be far more inhospitable than New Hampshire. ‘Mayor Pete’ has a terrible record with people of color in his city. His next rival for the right wing of the party is [Amy] Klobochar, who also has a poor history. That opens the door for Biden to make inroads into both states’ primaries, but in time he’s likely to implode with his absurd campaign style - insulting voters and telling others not to vote for him,” he said

“We still have to look at Sanders’s victory and see why he prevailed. Clearly, his base of support is solid and likely immovable, a warning to the DNC. But in New Hampshire he won the very small minority vote but also the blue collar, the white educated women, and most important, white men without a college education. They are the Trump supporters who, with good campaigning, would likely go to Sanders rather than stick with Trump,” he said.

“Nevada has strong unions. Why Biden is seen as their candidate is as perplexing as why black Americans gravitate to him as well. But Sanders’s positions are the most pro-labor of all candidates in the Democratic Party. Howie Hawkins of the Green Party, and likely nominee would run rings around Sanders on labor issues but has no chance of winning, and likely won’t be included in any future debates for the general election,” the analyst noted.

“The situation is very fluid with too many unanswered questions. How much more humiliation can Biden afford? Will Bloomberg buy the candidacy or flame out early because of his racist history? Will Warren back out and who would she endorse? Is Buttigieg’s star about to wane as more and more people will see him for the corporatist, racist, militarist fraud that he is? Only Sanders has the staying power but in all likelihood, his campaign will be derailed by the DNC in order to give Trump four more years and Sanders too old by 2024 to go for a third shot at the brass ring,” he concluded.

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