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EU citizens spending record €30bn on illegal drugs

A Spanish Civil Guard diver stands over the refloated prow of a submarine used to transport drugs illegally in Aldan, northwestern Spain, on November 26, 2019. (Photo by AFP)

Jerome Hughes
Press TV, Brussels

Drug producers and traffickers in the 28-nation EU are getting richer while millions of their customers are getting sicker. That's the stark conclusion of the EU Drug Markets Report 2019. 

Each year, EU citizens are now spending a record €30bn on illegal drugs. 39% of this figure relates to cannabis, 31% cocaine, 25% heroin and 5% amphetamines.

The agencies are calling for greater resources to try and tackle the scourge. The problem is out of control because the EU has allowed countries to join the bloc that don't enforce rule of law, according to analysts.

Another problem, according to the agencies, relates to modern technology. The internet is facilitating the activities of more than 3,000 criminal gangs in the EU. Online sales, encrypted social networks and even mobile phone taxi applications are among the contributory factors.

Officials have repeatedly made the point, persevering the Iran nuclear deal is important so that authorities in Tehran can continue to clampdown on drug gangs that are attempting to smuggle huge amounts of narcotics from Afghanistan into the EU.

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