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We have never posed any threat to Europe: China

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying

China says it has never threatened Europe; the statement comes against the backdrop of a suggestion by French President Emmanuel Macron for building a military force to defend Europe against the United States, China and Russia.

"We have never posed any threat to Europe," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily press briefing in Beijing on Wednesday.

"Europe has the right to decide its own foreign and defense policies."

European leaders, the Chinese official added, have expressed a desire for closer cooperation with China.

President Macron last week told France’s Europe 1 radio in an interview that Europeans cannot be protected without a "true, European army."

"We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America.”

The French president has been pushing for a closer defense union in Europe since coming to power last year. Macron, however, has had limited success amid foot-dragging by other member states of the European Union.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has seconded Macron's proposal.

Merkel's clear call for a future European army came on the same day that President Donald Trump of the United States took a swipe at his French counterpart when Macron suggested creation of the European army. Trump on November 10 called Macron's idea "very insulting."

Trump has faced widespread international criticism over his “protectionist” and “nationalist” policies.

In remarks he made during the Armistice Day in Paris, Macron described nationalism as a “betrayal of patriotism.”

Last year, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said “deference to NATO can no longer be used as a convenient alibi to argue against greater European efforts.”

The issue of NATO has been a constant source of frustration for Trump, whose presidency has been built on the foundation of the so-called America First policies. He has called on all nations in NATO, the majority of them being European, to contribute a minimum of two percent of their GDP (gross domestic product) towards the cost of the alliance.

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