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Trump wants Ivanka, Jared Kushner to resign from White House: Report

US President Donald Trump (R) sits alongside US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (2nd R), Senior Adviser Jared Kushner (2nd L) and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly (L), during a meeting at the White House in Washington, DC, September 26, 2017. (AFP photo)

US President Donald Trump has told his daughter Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, both high-profile White House advisers, to resign and move back home to New York City, fueling rumors of a strained relationship with his son-in-law, according to a new report.

Trump is pressuring the couple to move back, in part, to alleviate them from the increasing negative press coverage, the Vanity Fair magazine reported Tuesday, citing several Trump advisers and high-level Republicans.  

“He keeps pressuring them to go,” a source told the magazine.

The 36-year-old Kushner is a real estate developer from New York with no previous government experience.

Kushner now has fewer responsibilities and less autonomy under White House Chief of Staff John Kelly's leadership, the report said.

“Kelly has clipped his wings,” a Republican close to the Trump administration told the magazine.

Kelly reportedly created a new system under which all advisers are required to report to him. This means Kushner and Ivanka Trump have to go through Kelly to get to the president.

Trump had entrusted Kushner with such hefty tasks as rewriting US trade agreements, ending the opioid epidemic, improving relations with China and forging peace in the Middle East.

But Kushner’s portfolio has been reduced to just the latter since Kelly was appointed chief of staff, according to sources close to the White House.

Republicans close to Trump also said the president has become displeased with Kushner’s political input, namely, his advice to fire FBI Director James Comey, which Kushner has denied.

Perhaps most damaging to the president is Kushner’s participation in a June 2016 meeting with a Russian operative who promised damaging information about Trump’s presidential rival Hillary Clinton before last year’s election.

Kushner remains a person of interest to the Russia investigations led by the US Justice Department and several congressional committees, according to a source with knowledge of the probes.

US intelligence agencies claimed in January that Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election to try to help Trump defeat Clinton.

Trump has repeatedly denied allegations that his campaign colluded with Moscow and has condemned the investigations. Russian President Vladimir Putin has also denied the allegations.

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