Rohingya people find refuge at Kutupalong refugee camp near the town of Ukhia in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar district on August 29, 2017, after fleeing violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 18:00 GMT, August 30, 2017 to 08:00 GMT, August 31, 2017.


Plight of Rohingya Muslims

The UN Security Council has met to discuss the escalating violence in Myanmar where the military is pressing ahead with a crackdown on Rohingya Muslims. There has been no formal statement following the closed-door session. However, Britain’s ambassador to the UN says the world body condemns the violence and calls on all parties to de-escalate the tension. Matthew Rycroft also urged Myanmarese leader Aung San Suu Kyi to find a way to end the violence. On Friday, gunmen attacked police posts in Rakhine state. Since then, the military has waged a crackdown against the Rohingya Muslims forcing nearly 19,000 to flee across the border into Bangladesh. Myanmar’s forces have been accused of committing atrocities in Rakhine.

Deaths due to siege of Gaza

Over a dozen terminally ill patients in the besieged Gaza Strip have died after Israel denied them permits to travel abroad for treatment. In a statement the al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights cited the cases of 15 patients since the start of 2017. Among them are two women who were repeatedly refused exit permits, while four others had permits approved only to be arrested at a border crossing. Others are beaten and interrogated at checkpoints. The NGO has slammed Tel Aviv's blockade on Gaza saying it has led to the coastal enclave’s health care service collapsing. The statement added Israel is violating its international legal obligations by denying Gazans the flow of much needed medical supplies.

Pakistan dismisses Trump’s comments

The Pakistani parliament has dismissed the recent remarks by the US president about Islamabad’s alleged support for terrorism. Pakistan's parliament condemned Trump’s comments as “hostile and threatening”. It also called on the government to consider postponing any visits by US delegations to the country or vice versa. Lawmakers also suggested that Pakistan close the US ground and airlines through the country. Last week, Trump accused Pakistan of harboring Taliban militants fighting American forces in Afghanistan.

Deadly US airstrikes in Raqqah

Syrians who have been displaced by the fighting in and around the city of Raqqah say the US-led coalition airstrikes target civilians. The displaced are residing at Ein Issa refugee camp northeast of Raqqah. Last week, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan Egeland, said the number of civilian casualties in Raqqah is high. He added that there seems to be no real escape for civilians trapped in Raqqah as US warplanes constantly raid down bombs on the city. The US support for an alliance of Kurdish and Arab forces who are fighting Daesh has caused a spike in the number of civilian deaths in Raqqah. The airstrikes and fighting have also displaced large numbers of people.

Hajj rituals

More than two million Muslims from around the world are on Arafat plain just outside the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform the annual five-day Hajj pilgrimage. The major part of the pilgrimage that has already started in Arafat will continue through Sunday. Pilgrims will stay close to Mount Arafat and perform prayers aimed at erasing past sins and proximity to God. They will then leave Arafat at the sunset for the tent city of Mina. According to the Saudi Central Hajj Committee, at least 1,750,000 foreign pilgrims and around 230,000 Saudi nationals and expatriates are attending this year’s Hajj. The annual Hajj pilgrimage is one of the world’s largest gatherings of Muslims. Every Muslim is required to perform it at least once in a lifetime.

Hurricane Harvey death toll

The death toll from Hurricane Harvey in southern US has climbed to at least 33. Authorities say the victims have died directly or indirectly as a result of the storm. The US National Hurricane Center says Harvey is expected to weaken in less than 12 hours. But the catastrophic and life-threatening flooding triggered by the hurricane continues in Texas and parts of Louisiana. It has forced thousands of people to flee their homes. US President Donald Trump also visited Texas on Tuesday to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey. Officials say the state could need more than 125 billion dollars for recovery.

New York protest

In the US, people have taken to the streets of New York to express their resentment against President Donald Trump’s plan to scrap a program that protects immigrant children. Demonstrators chanted slogans against the US president and expressed solidarity with immigrants. They stressed that racial divisions could intensify if Trump quashes the program. The US president is said to be mulling over plans to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA, a program which protects some 600,000 immigrant children. Trump’s immigration policies have sparked protests both inside the US and abroad since he took office in January.

Iran Leader’s Hajj message

Leader of the Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has issued a message for the annual hajj pilgrimage calling on Muslims to preserve their unity in the face of enemy threats. Ayatollah Khamenei warned that hegemonic powers are instigating sedition and fueling the fire of discord among Muslims. He said these plots are aimed at turning the Islamic nations into a hell of insecurity and disagreement. The leader added that the Israeli regime is provoking sedition in the Islamic world by fanning the flames of ongoing tensions in the region to divert global attentions from the plight of Palestinians. Ayatollah Khamenei urged Islamic countries to spare no efforts to prevent ethnic and religious conflicts. He also called for supporting oppressed Muslims in Yemen, Myanmar and other parts of the world. The Leader said the hajj pilgrimage can be a cure for the grave maladies that the Islamic community is suffering from.

Mexico US warning

Mexico has warned the US that it would leave the negotiating table if President Donald Trump starts withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA. Despite the warning, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said he agreed with two top US officials to continue with a serious renegotiation process. However, he stressed that Mexico will not remain committed to NAFTA if Washington quits the trilateral accord. Also, Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said Mexico is prepared for every eventuality calling the deal a Roller Coaster. Earlier, Trump said he would probably need to terminate NAFTA to get a better deal with economic partners Mexico and Canada. Trump’s comments come before the second round of NAFTA talks, due to be held in Mexico in September.

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