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Turkey violationg Iraq's soverignty throuh oil deals: Analyst

This file photo taken on March 02, 2016 shows a Turkish soldier gesturing while standing on the hill overlooking damaged buildings in the Kurdish town of Cizre in southeastern Turkey, which lies near the border with Syria and Iraq. (Photo by AFP)

Press TV has interviewed James Morris, an editor with from Los Angeles, about warning made by the Iraqi defense minister about the repercussions of Turkish intervention in his country’s internal affairs.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: What is the legality, would you say, of Ankara deploying a company of soldiers into northern Iraq without clearing it with Baghdad and then once they’re refusing to leave when the government has asked Turkey time and again to get off its soil. Is this not a blatant invasion of Iraq’s sovereignty?

Morris: It most definitely is and you have to look at the situation when I was on Press TV recently yesterday I had mentioned it was Erdogan, President of Turkey, his brother was involved with basically doing in the oil business with the Daesh or ISIS. And it’s actually his son below Erdogan and he is actually been dealing, smuggling ISIS crude oil out of Syria and it was going to Japan. And he’s also been, according to reports, smuggling it out Iraq specifically Mosul.

So, obviously we know that Iraq Mideast mess resulted from the  Zionist neo-con inspired Iraq war for Israel. It’s not about that was of course the neo-conservatives being operation of Israel lobby in America. But when you look at the Turkish interest in the region, well you got that Israeli Odid Yinon Plan of the ... that was put in play by the same neo-conservatives in accordance of queen brake agenda that the Iraq war is based on, that also you’ve got the Sunni and Shia sectarian and ethnic divide that is being exploited by the neo-conservatives. We see that unfolding with Turkey now where of course Turkey being Sunni but you’ve also got financial interest here because you got the son of Erdogan, like I said, Bilal Erdogan who’s been involved in smuggling Iraqi crude and sending it in his tanker ships to Japan. So, that might be another reason why Turkey is poised to invade Iraq. And of course it’s a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty, no doubt about it.

Press TV: And what do you make of this comment by the Iraqi defense minister that Turkey’s intervention in the operation to liberate Mosul without being invited could trigger a regional conflict, what do you make of that?

Morris: I think that’s very plausible. I think that we are on the verge of a regional conflict that we’re not in one already when we see what’s happening with the Sunni-Shia rift in Yemen and what’s already been going on in Iraq and Syria with the possibility of spreading over to Lebanon involving Hezbollah.

Keep in mind that reason this happened when the Jewish neo-conservatives, not all Jews support neo-conservatism, but neo-conservatism is a Jewish movement. When they pushed George W. Bush regime through their lackey Dick Cheney is associated with their think tanks in Washington, the Jewish Institute For National Security Affairs, the project for New American Century which has since been disbanded as now the Foreign Policy Initiative, and the Emergency Committee for Israel with Bill Kristol, neo-cons like Bob Kagan who was involved in meddling in Ukraine. With regard to Iraq it’s very dangerous.

I think we’re already in a regional of conflict that is basically working out exactly as neo-cons want it, getting this ethnic and sectarian strife happening between the Sunni and the Shia; and then, getting Turkey to invade Iraq and then Turkey is a NATO’s ally and that can suck in the West. And we’re at war with Iran which is exactly what these Jewish neo-conservatives and the rest of the Israel lobby both in Europe and America want, a conflict with Iran even after the Iran deal.

And keep in mind also, we’ve got Hillary Clinton pushing the same agenda, the emails and US media, Zionists occupied US media won’t talk about it and also in Europe with the BBC they won’t mention it. Her email showed that she was pushing this is really a lobby agenda against Syria as well. So, she is in the thick of this. She pushed to the neo-con and inspired Iraq war for Israel, which has made Mideast mess. So, when you hear this joke that comes out that Hillary is qualified to become president what she qualified in all she is is a warmonger that made the Mideast mess going on in Iraq, Syria and Libya.

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