Does anti-Zionism equal anti-Semitism?

Anti-Zionist Jews of the Naturei Kartra movement chant slogans during a protest outside the Washington Convention Center, where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the American Israel Public Affairs committee (AIPAC) policy conference in Washington, DC, on March 2, 2015. (AFP Photo)

The Zionist lobby has launched a huge offensive in the West to equate anti-Israel activism with anti-Semitism. But this is just a cover for criminalizing criticism of the Zionist entity!

The “anti-Semitic” label is conveniently and consistently applied by British power-brokers to silence any criticism of the illegitimate Zionist entity of “Israel.”

Those who use anti-Semitism today as a political stick to beat their opponents do so because it has become such an effective tool to silence debate and detract away from Israel's crimes against the Palestinians.

This whole debate has been prompted by remarks made by labour members but Baroness Jenny Tonge thinks that it is not just a mere coincidence, that this huge attempt to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism began soon after the appointment of Mark Regev as Israeli ambassador to the UK.

Haim Bresheeth argued that as a Jew living with Britain, he believes that there is no problem with anti-Semitism within the U.K and certainly not among the British Labour party!

He concluded that this is a merely clever and a very effective tactic deployed to intimidate and silence Palestinian activists and those willing to give them a platform.

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