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Spanish PM Rajoy’s People's Party wins general elections

Spain's Prime Minister and People's Party (PP) candidate Mariano Rajoy reacts at the party headquarters after results were announced in Spain's general elections in Madrid, Spain, December 21, 2015. (Reuters)

The People's Party (PP) of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has emerged victorious from Spain’s general elections but lost absolute majority to Socialists and Podemos parties.  

According to the official results of Sunday’s polls, the conservative PP party obtained 123 seats, the PSOE came in second with 90 seats, anti-austerity Podemos became third with 69 seats, and centrists Ciudadanos got 40 seats.

For more than 30 years, the PP and the PSOE parties have alternated power, but this year’s results mean that Spain’s parliament will be forced to share authority between four parties.

After the announcement, Rajoy told his supporters that he will try to form a “stable government,” adding that “Spain needs a government that has the support of parliament."

“We will need to talk a lot, negotiate and reach agreement," he noted.

Podemos leader, Pablo Iglesias,also told supporters that "We are starting a new political era in our country."

The picking of a new premier is up to Spain’s King Felipe VI, who  will select the prime minister after holding talks with winners of the vote.

Then, the nominated prime minster will face a vote of confidence before taking office. If he fails to gain sufficient votes, a second ballot will be cast after 48 hours. If deadlock is not breached with two months of the first vote, the king will call for new elections.      

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