UN: ISIL-affiliated groups gaining ground in Libya

News in Brief

1. The Institute for Economics and Peace says the number of people killed in terrorist attacks across the world has jumped eighty-percent in 2014. Nearly 33,000 people were reportedly killed by terrorists last year. Takfiri groups of Daesh and Nigeria-based Boko Haram are blamed for most of the deaths.

2. Iran’s intelligence minister says Tehran has busted over 10 terrorist groups during months of October and November. Mahmoud Alavi added that Iran has completely blocked Daesh movement inside the country. This, after Iraq said it shared intelligence showing Iran was a target of terrorist attacks.

3. Syrian forces make major gains against foreign-backed militants on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, destroying their hideouts and tunnels. The military operation was carried out in the strategic area of Jobar, which has been used as a launch-pad for many attacks against Damascus.

4. The EU’s foreign policy chief says the battle against Daesh and other terrorist groups is the most serious war of our time. Speaking at a presser, Federica Mogherini said the only way to solve this crisis is through bringing together different actors. She also called for a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

5. A new footage shows two US police officers severely beating a suspect with batons and fists in the city of San Francisco. The victim identified as Stanislav Petrov seemed to be surrendering before being captured by the officers. The officers are now on administrative leave.

6. Pentagon has approved the sale of thousands of bombs, worth over one-billion dollars, to Saudi Arabia. The sale also includes thousands of smart kits to convert dumb munitions into satellite-guided bombs. Saudi Arabia has been engaged in a deadly air campaign against its southern neighbor Yemen since March.

7. Yemen’s Ansarullah fighters and allied army units have attacked Saudi and foreign mercenaries in the southwestern region of Bab el-Mandeb. Dozens of soldiers, including a senior commander, were reportedly killed in the attack. Yemenis say the raids will go on unless Riyadh stops its deadly war against their country.

8. The United Nations warns that ISIL-affiliated groups are gaining ground in central Libya. It listed Sirte, Harawa and Nofliya as areas where the militants have made advances in recent months. Libya has been in turmoil since the ouster of its former dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.


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