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USA Freedom Act & NSA's future of mass surveillance

File photo shows an anti - NSA banner in front of the US Capitol Building @ Xinhua

After weeks of political showdown, infighting and drama, the US Senate finally passed the USA Freedom Act, a bill to reform provisions of one of the National Security Agency's most controversial surveillance programs, The US Patriot Act, which went into effect after 9/11.

Section 215 was "amended" to stop the NSA from continuing its mass phone data collection program. The data will now be retained by phone companies and the NSA will have to get permission from a federal court to obtain information about targeted individuals.

The White House has sold the bill as reform to the NSA, but shortly after the USA Freedom Act was passed it has been revealed that US President Barack Obama, wants the NSA to re-launch the program through the secret FISA court.

So, what do these amendments really mean for privacy advocates and how the NSA plans to operate in the future?

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