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US Iraq war root cause of ISIL rise: Pundit

Iraqi soldiers launch a rocket during clashes with ISIL terrorists in the area of Sayed Ghareeb, near Dujail, north of Baghdad on January 2, 2015. (©AFP)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Weber, director of the Institute for Historical Review from California, to obtain his insights into a UN statement on the ISIL destruction of cultural sites in Iraq.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: How do you feel about the statement coming out the UN?

Weber: Well, of course, the destruction of these world heritage sites is not only a crime against Iraq, it’s a crime against the venerable heritage of humanity, and that’s why of course, it’s considered so outrageous by people all over the world, even people who don’t have any particular interest in Iraq. But this latest outrage by the ISIL terrorists must be viewed within the larger context with the much greater crime that made these crimes possible. That is the bombing, the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 by US forces that shattered the country’s social structure, disrupted everything and created the conditions under which ISIL could take root and operate as it does today.

Press TV: I imagine, many people would put the argument forth that why does not the loss of life create just as much anger as the lost of artifacts which no doubt are priceless, but life is much more priceless?

Weber: Yes, of course. That’s a very very good point. People often were outraged about the terrible killings of rabbits or animals, than they are of human beings. And it shows, some of our perverted sense of values. People should be really outraged that the people who carried out and perpetrated the crime, the great war crime made all of this possible and set the stage for all of this. The perpetrators of these latest outrages may very likely never be held to account. But what‘s more outrageous is that President George W. Bush and other high-level US officials that carried out the initial terrible invasion of Iraq in 2003, are not being held accountable. And there are no voices being raised in outrage against their actions which caused of course the death of so many people, and made possible the continuing tragedy of Iraq and of the world that we are witnessing today.


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