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Iran’s Kish Island holds international sculpture symposium

Kish Sculpture Symposium

Hamid Javani

Press TV, Kish Island

Kish is a top tourist destination in the northeast of the Persian Gulf. Annually a total of a million and 400 thousand tourists spend their time on the Island. Despite all the natural attractions, as soon as you set foot on the island, its urban development catches the eye. Aimed at building a flexible combination of art and culture, and urban space development, Kish Free Trade Zone Organization has organized the First International Sculpture Symposium.
The Symposium is held to gather great national and international artists from all over the world in this artistic, cultural and competitive event to introduce Kish Island as an international tourist destination.
Artists from Italy, Spain, and Portugal and some other countries have gathered here to help enhance the urban beauty and establish an appropriate cultural interaction between all who come to the island.
The artworks are not specifically inspired by Iranian culture, but are a mixture of different cultural and artistic backgrounds that all the sculptors bring here from their country.
Authorities in Kish are trying to register these events in the island's annual calendar and continue holding them regularly to take advantage of their positive effects.



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