Defense7 months ago
Iran Army totally ‘self-reliant’ to meet all needs for ocean-going missions: Cmdr.
Iran's Army says the force has attained self-sufficiency in meeting its needs in the field of traversing the world oceans.
Iran Army totally ‘self-reliant’ to meet all needs for ocean-going missions: Cmdr.
Society10 months ago
Iran emerges as regional medicine hub, data show
Figures in a report show Iran is currently the largest provider of medicine services in West Asia.
Iran emerges as regional medicine hub, data show
Defenseone year ago
Iran Army’s Ground Force ‘self-sufficient’ in production of military equipment: Cmdr.
Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made great progress in developing a broad range of military equipment.
Iran Army’s Ground Force ‘self-sufficient’ in production of military equipment: Cmdr.
Nuclear Energy2 years ago
Nuclear chief: Iran working on producing 60%-enriched fuel
Iran's nuclear chief announces the country's complete self-sufficiency in the nuclear fuel cycle.
Nuclear chief: Iran working on producing 60%-enriched fuel
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