border wall
Politics3 years ago
12% of Texans to donate for wall on Mexico border
A new survey shows that 12 percent of the people in Texas would ”definitely” donate to an initiative designed by the US state’s governor in order to revive the defunct plan suggested by former President Donald Trump.
12% of Texans to donate for wall on Mexico border
Society3 years ago
Texas, Arizona Govs. urging states to send police to help deal with border crisis
The governors of Texas and Arizona are calling for other US states to send police to the border to help them deal with the deteriorating crisis there.
Texas, Arizona Govs. urging states to send police to help deal with border crisis
Politics3 years ago
Pentagon stops border wall construction projects using military funds
The Biden administration has announced that it would cancel all construction on the border using diverted military funds, a Pentagon spokesman has said.
Pentagon stops border wall construction projects using military funds
Politics3 years ago
‘It’s shameful for Biden to continue Trump's racist wall’
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar says, “It’s shameful for Biden to continue construction of Trump's xenophobic and racist wall.”
‘It’s shameful for Biden to continue Trump's racist wall’
Politics3 years ago
Construction of Trump’s border wall may continue under Biden: Report
The United States may continue to construct Donald Trump's border wall under the administration of President Joe Biden, reports suggest.
Construction of Trump’s border wall may continue under Biden: Report
Foreign Policy3 years ago
Biden secretly following Trump policy on Mexico
A recent report has shown that Biden’s administration is quietly pressing Mexico to increase the efforts to limit the flow of migrants, clinging to a Trump policy of relying on southern neighbors to enforce America’s immigration agenda.
Biden secretly following Trump policy on Mexico
Politics4 years ago
US appeals court rejects Trump's spending for Mexico border wall
A federal appeals court rejects Trump's move to divert $2.5 billion from Pentagon's budget to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.
US appeals court rejects Trump's spending for Mexico border wall
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