whale stranding
More6 years ago
Japanese ships catch 177 whales in Pacific Ocean
A fleet of Japanese whaling ships caught 177 minke and sei whales during a three-month tour of the northwestern Pacific.
Japanese ships catch 177 whales in Pacific Ocean
Society6 years ago
122 pregnant minke whales killed in Japan during hunting
Japan has killed 122 pregnant minke whales during a highly controversial annual whaling expedition that Tokyo defends as scientific research.
122 pregnant minke whales killed in Japan during hunting
News Bulletin6 years ago
Argentina: Rescuers work to return beached whale to sea
A young humpback whale was stranded on the beach at Mar Del Plata on Saturday and rescue workers labored through the night to return the mammal to the sea.
Argentina: Rescuers work to return beached whale to sea
More8 years ago
Over 600 whales beach at NZ coastline
Rescue efforts fail to save some 300 whales stranded at a New Zealand coastline.
Over 600 whales beach at NZ coastline
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