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Refugees say Ukraine shelling residential houses in Donbass

Johnny Miller
Press TV, Donbas

I’ve come to Shaktorsk, a town in Donbass to interview refugees who have recently fled the frontline. I’m not allowed to film outside the refugee center in fear it could be targeted by Ukrainian missiles.

Most of the refugees are from Bahmut, a living hell right now as it is being pounded by Russian artillery.

These are two sisters evacuated from the outskirts a few days ago. They tell me what I am told often by refugees, that much of the damage is being done by Ukraine; either as they retreat or when they are still in the town.

Many refugees don’t want to show their faces due to fear of reprisals, others, simply because they are not wearing make-up and are worried about their disheveled state appearing on camera.

While Russian firepower is causing wide-scale destruction on the frontlines, it’s striking that the vast majority of refugees who flee to the Russian side are keen to place the blame, elsewhere.

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