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North Korea vows to build invincible deterrent in face of US hostile policy

Frank Smith
Press TV, Seoul

Opening a defense exhibition in Pyongyang, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un maintained the arms on display provide deterrence, and that it is the United States and South Korea which engage in destabilizing and threatening behavior.

Their hypocritical attitude and the US tacit sponsorship continue to damage inter-Korean relations, and their unlimited, dangerous attempts to strengthen military capability are disrupting the balance of power in the region, aggravating military instability.

North Korea has recently restarted ballistic missile testing, while South Korea has undertaken a massive arms buildup of advanced new planes, ships, submarines and missiles with US assistance. Activists suggest dialogue is needed to cool tensions.

The US says there needs to be strong enforcement of existing sanctions on North Korea, although it will meet “unconditionally”. Some argue the sanctions on Pyongyang need to be reviewed at least.

South Korean officials have been more assertive in calling for a new approach from the US.

According to North Korean state media, leader Kim Jong Un also said North Korea’s military might is not targeted at South Korea and that there should not be another war pitting the Korean people against each other.

The 1950-53 Korean War ended in an armistice. South Korean President Moon Jae-in would like to see an end of war declaration before leaving office next spring.

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