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Facebook’s banning of Press TV alarming for free speech


By Richard Sudan

Once again, social media giant Facebook has removed Press TV’s page from the platform, citing a so-called “failure to follow community standards” as the reason behind the move. It’s not the first time that Press TV has faced censorship from Facebook, following a temporary ban back in January, but now, Press TV has been informed it's permanent.  To date, Facebook has not offered any explanation as to why.  And this time, without specifying which rules have been broken, Facebook says the ban is permanent.  This, in itself, is revealing.

And such a ban, without explanation or the right to appeal the decision, sets a very dangerous precedent, with potential repercussions not just for Press TV, which had more than 4 million followers prior to the announcement, but potentially others, too.

In fact, Facebook’s banning of Press TV, should cause serious concern, for anyone concerned with free speech, all over the world.

If Press TV can be targeted without explanation or warning, then the logical question which follows, is who is next?

Without stating the reason for the ban, many will draw the simple conclusion, that the reason Facebook, a US-based company, has censored Press TV, is nothing to do with “community standards” or “misinformation” but in reality, about the precise opposite-a deep-rooted fear of the facts, and therefore ultimately, the truth.

For example, Press TV has consistently provided a voice for the Palestinians through its reporting, reflecting the truth of the ongoing injustices committed against the Palestinians.  The fact that these ongoing injustices are illegal, inhumane, daily, and are breaking international law, is a matter of fact.

Could the reporting of these facts, present a threat to US-based Facebook, and the US’s ally Israel, and could pressure from the Israeli lobby applied to Facebook, explain the ban?  Many certainly think so.  Others also point out, that Pro-Palestinian activists have also had their pages banned and censored.

Meanwhile, plenty of pro-Israeli outlets, spreading outright mistruths, while neglecting to report accurately on the situation in Palestine, have fully active pages on Facebook.  For many, this is a glaring double-standard, and smacks of hypocrisy.

Consider also, the words of the current CEO and co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg in 2019.

Facing increasing scrutiny of those questioning and highlighting what they saw as censorship by the tech-giant, Zuckerberg insisted that Facebook was a “champion of free expression”.

Incredibly, in the same speech, Zuckerberg also had the temerity to invoke and compare civil rights icon Martin Luther King, with Facebook’s so-called commitment to freedom of speech.

Interestingly too, Zuckerberg has also spoken out and criticised what he sees as Censorship in China, of US based social media companies.  For many, Facebook criticising alleged censorship in other countries, while carrying out the very same practises themselves, highlights a glaring double-standard and total inconsistency from the company.

Many are also arguing that Facebook’s banning of Press TV is a direct consequence of silencing any effective voices which counter the Western agenda, regarding foreign policies of the US and her allies, around the world.

The challenging or questioning of US domestic and foreign policy, is simply it seems, a red line for Facebook.

In addition to Facebook banning Press TV, with no explanation, with no means to appeal, in recent days, Venezuela has also accused the company of “digital totalitarianism” following the freezing of President Nicholas Maduro’s account.

It’s clear for many critics, that Facebook is ramping up and increasing it’s silencing of any voices which challenge the US and its policies, while amplifying its cheerleaders and representatives in the corporate media.  For anyone concerned with free speech and who values the facts, particularly journalists, this dire state of affairs, should be of major concern, and ultimately, must be rallied against, at all costs.

Richard Sudan is a journalist, writer and TV reporter working for Press TV.

(The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)

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