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Concerns growing about modern slavery in UK

© Press TV

Amina Taylor
Press TV, London

Only a few months ago British police dismantled one of the UK’s largest modern slavery gang. The victims lived in a rat-infested place. One worker was stripped naked in front of everyone and threatened that the gang would remove his kidneys if he didn't stay quiet.

This horror of being exploited for work often comes with sexual exploitation. Trafficked children are being made into prostitutes with no documents and often no access to health care.

Girls and boys, beaten, raped and frightened endure years of abuse as they often are unaware of help that's available.

Yet again the government fails to deliver with recent allegation towards the Home Office regarding unlawful detentions and lying to EU states in order to deport slavery victims. Brexit's uncertainty may also cause the closure of one of the main British slavery helplines supporting thousands of trafficking victims across the country.

Young people impacted by exploitation can go on to live healthy, happy, productive lives, but there is still thousands more trapped in unspeakably terrible conditions. And whilst the government say they are allocating more resources to fighting this scourge those who've been affected by exploitation may well look upon this pledge with a healthy degree of skepticism.

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