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Combating terrorism shouldn’t be pursued for political goals: Iranian diplomat

In this undated file picture, Iranian representative of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Ali Nasimfar, speaks during a UN General Assembly sixth committee session in New York, the United States.

Iranian representative of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Ali Nasimfar, has condemned terrorism in all its forms, dismissing measures imposed or threatened against members of the international organization under the pretext of combating terrorism.

Speaking for the movement during a UN General Assembly sixth committee session in New York on Tuesday, Nasimfar said, “Terrorist acts threaten (world) states’ territorial integrity and stability and endanger national, regional and international security by destabilizing legitimate governments, adversely affecting economic and social development and destroying physical and economic infrastructure.”

“However, terrorism should not be equated with the struggle of peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation for self-determination.  Furthermore, it should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnicity and these attributions should not be used to justify profiling of terror suspects or intrusion into individual privacy.”

The Iranian diplomat then urged all countries to fulfill their international obligations to combat terrorism, rejecting restrictions or threats against NAM member states under the pretext of combating terrorism or for political aims.

Nasimfar also dismissed the “unilateral preparation of lists” accusing some states of supporting terrorism, emphasizing that such a move constitutes a form of psychological and political terrorism.

He called upon the international community to address the growing threat of foreign terrorists, to counter the misinterpretation and misrepresentation of religion in terrorism’s narrative and to address the root causes of terrorism.

Nasimfar also urged that all world states to respect human rights and all forms of freedoms while combating terrorism, and asked the United Nations Security Council to streamline its listing and delisting procedures through an independent, transparent and permanent ombudsman.

NAM, an international organization with 120 member states and 21 observer countries, represents nearly two-thirds of the UN members. It is considered as not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.

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