US drone strikes reveal ‘absolute hypocrisy’ of American government: Ex-US Senate candidate

The US drone assassination program in other countries will have domestic implications as well, Mark Dankof told Press TV on Friday.

New revelations about the growing US assassination campaign around the world highlights the “absolute hypocrisy” of the US government and will cause a blowback among the American people against Washington’s international crimes, a former US Senate candidate and broadcaster in Texas says.

The new disclosures also show that the US government has failed to mention all of the criminal activities it has been involved in the last 14 years alone, Mark Dankof told Press TV on Sunday.

“Once people understand what has been going on with the foreign policy of the United States and the government of the United States for a very long period of time, this is going to produce a lot resistance to what the United states is doing in all of these countries where we should not be involved at all,” Dankof said.

The US drone assassination program in other countries will have domestic implications as well, Dankof observed. “All of these drone strikes that we’re hearing about abroad are going to be repeated in the United States,” he said.

Thomas Drake, a former National Security Agency (NSA) executive and whistleblower, told the Sputnik news agency on Thursday that the US assassination campaign has killed far more civilians than has been reported.

Drake said America’s mass assassination program - that has mostly stayed in the dark over the years - has led to an untold number of civilian casualties.

"We [the United States] have mass surveillance and we have a mass assassination program," Drake said. "It is two sides of the same coin."

Furthermore, The Intercept news website revealed on Wednesday secret documents related to the US military’s drone program in Afghanistan.

The source that The Intercept cited wished to remain unknown given the US government’s relentless prosecution of whistleblowers.

The secret documents show that the US military has conducted a 14-year targeting program that has relied too heavily on signals intelligence and has caused "incalculable" civilian deaths.

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