African Americans colonized by US government: Analyst

An FBI investigation team leaving the shooting scene in Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, June 19, 2015. ©AFP

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jesse Nevel, with the African People’s Solidarity Committee, in Florida, to discuss an FBI investigation that was launched recently to probe a possible arson against black churches in the United States.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: What is going on exactly? All of a sudden we are seeing, after those individuals were killed inside of a church, now churches [are] being torched. In your perspective, what is all of this about?

Nevel: Greetings to you on behalf of African People’s Solidarity Committee, the organization of white people who are under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party.

What we are seeing is a continuation of this centuries-long legacy of violence against African people, the black community in this country, that has been happening for as long as African people were brought to this country, enslaved to build this economy, to build this social system.

Attacks on the black community in the form of lynching, in the form of police violence, in the form of vigilante terror, and in the form of blowing up of churches have taken place for many years and it is just more evidence of the fact that the African population in this country is a colonized population, no different from the people of Palestine are colonized by the Israeli government.

African people in this country are colonized by the US government.

Press TV: So, what is it going to take to change the status quo as you have said yourself that has been in place for hundreds and hundreds of years now in your country?

Nevel: Well, colonialism is this social system where one group of people, in this case Euro-American white people, benefit from the oppression of other people; from the oppression of black people, Mexican people, Arab people, the oppressed people of the world. That system has to be overturned, it has to be destroyed and white people have to unite with the struggles of the oppressed people to overthrow that system and have genuine self-determination and liberation power over their own lives.

When oppressed people are free and have power, that is the only that will change the status quo of this violent social system that requires bloodshed for its existence.


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